Monday, September 8, 2014

Share Happiness - Day 1

There are a lot of ways to share and spread happiness around you and around the world.

These points can help you share and spread happiness.

1. Be kind towards yourself.  

Be kind toward yourself. Really. You can’t give what you don’t have, right? So go ahead and do the things you love—dance, sing, or paint all you want. Just enjoy what you do. Then go and share the happiness around you.

2. Smile.

This is the best method ever to make your own day and spread happiness around to others. Don’t wait to be happy; think of something good in your life, smile, and see what happens.

3. Surprise!

Surprise the people you love with flowers, small presents, kind words, help, a hug, or a genuine compliment.

4. Be a hero.

Notice and help someone around you, a perfect stranger. This will bring a smile on his/her face and you will feel good that you helped someone.

5. Say something good about someone or something.

Be genuine. This makes you feel good and it’s much better than gossiping, since you’re spreading positive words and thoughts with the people around you. 

6. Make an effort to have good thoughts.

The thing with our thoughts is that they become words and then actions, so it’s important we observe them and choose them wisely. Our thoughts are like flower seeds. They can either spread happiness or sadness. The choice is ours!

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